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Friends, Family and Lovers

at Spitzmühle


Co-created, kink-friendly and family-friendly
community weekends


Next Events 2024

4-6 October 


Community Weekend 


4-6 October 2024

A community weekend at Spitzmühle

Friends, Family and Lovers at Spitzmühle are co-created, family-friendly, kink-friendly community weekends that happen every 2-3 months.

Spitzmühle is a really special place. As it is rented to a variety of organising groups almost all year round and it’s unique to have the space for community time. 

Philipp, Jana, and their kids open their home at Spitzmuhle for us during these weekends, Cosima takes care of all communications around the weekend and Jamie takes care of food planning and orga during the weekends.

These weekends are intended to bring people together in a mostly non-hierarchical way, make space for free flow, enjoy each other in this wonderful place, and not have a scheduled plan and a workshop program. We foster a culture of care, self-responsibility, consent, and playfulness. We love creating a space where family and sex-positive life can come together!

These events rely on everyone actively participating in taking care of cooking and cleaning up, as well as creating fun activities for kids and/or adults. Jamie, Philipp, and Cosima are the organizing team with a rotating group of additional helpers at each event.

Everybody who wants to is invited to create something special and interesting for the kids, e.g. a sleepover in one of the rooms, sing-along, kids’ cinema, finger painting etc.  and/or adults. 


We will have a communal dinner around 8 pm on Friday. It would be ideal if you could be there for the dinner. Once the kids have gone to bed, we do an introduction in the play space for all the playful adults.  Afterward,  we can enjoy free flow in the play space, the sauna, and the dining room can be used for cuddles and conversations.

Depending on the group size, and people’s initiative there might be organized activities.  The main room will be family-friendly. The workshop space will be the adult playroom, and no kids are allowed there. 

On Sunday, we have breakfast and an afternoon lunch, there is usually still time for play and socializing. Around 14-15.00, we clean up together and say our goodbyes.


5-7 July
4-6 October
6-8 December


Arrival: Friday 16-19.00
Departure: Sunday 16-19.00

Neue Spitzmühle
Spitzmühlenweg 2
15344 Strausberg


Costs Hotel 175,- p.p.

Bring your own tent / van 135,- p.p.
Low income 135,- p.p. (on request only)
Children over 5 years old – 50,-
Children under 5 years old – 10,-
Bedsheet/Towels 15,-p.p. (you can bring your own)
The ticket prices include accommodation, the usage of the facilities, all food and a small admin fee.


When we started these events, we personally invited people that we like and trust. And each person was able to extend this invitation. From there the group grew quite a bit and we got to know some more really lovely folks. Now that we’ve been organising the weekends for a while, we’d like to emphasize the focus again on the core Friends, Family, and Lovers concept.

Going forward, everyone in the group is welcome to invite a person to these weekends, but we ask that you make sure that it’s a good fit for them and that it’s clear how you can and will support their experience. Please have a look at the questions below as a guideline to see if these events are a good fit for your friend.

Usually, the group consists of a majority of people who have been to an FFL Community Weekend before and a handful of people who are there for the first time. 


Questions for inviting friends

  • Why would you like your friend to join?
  • What will your friend especially enjoy about FFL?
  • What does your friend bring to the weekend? Will they feel comfortable making new friends?
  • Do you trust your friend to be responsible with their own and other people’s boundaries?
  • Can and will your friend contribute to the event (cooking, cleaning up, etc…)?
  • What’s the level of experience of your friend in sex-positive spaces? How will you be able to support them in this?
  • Is your friend aware this is a family-friendly event and that children will be present during the day?
  • Have you and your friend had a conversation about what you each expect and wish from each other when going to the event together? (We ask that you accompany your friend the first time they join a weekend)

Disclaimer: While this event is co-created and we encourage people to invite others, being invited does not guarantee you a spot in the event. Your sign up may not be accepted with no further explanation necessary. 



  • Warm clothes, it can get cold at night (even in summer)
  • Socks or slippers for inside the house (no shoes allowed)
  • Sheets, duvet and pillow cover(s), towels
    (a set of bed linen and towels can be rented for 15€ from Spitzmühle – bring cash or pay via PayPal)
  • Fancy, sexy outfit, toys, safer sex stuff etc. 
  • Everything you need for a cosy weekend at Spitzmühle

FAQ – Frequenlty Asked Questions about the weekend
(July  2024)

What does the ticket include?

The ticket price includes accommodation, the usage of the facilities and food + coffee & tea and a small admin fee. 

How many people will there be at the weekend?

Hotel only: We will be min. 10 and max. 40 adults. There will be ∼2-10 children.

Hotel, Straußenstall and Tents:
We may be up to 55 adults and up to 15 children.

Can I arrive on Saturday?

It is not ideal. But if there is no other way, and you really want to come, it may be possible to come on Saturday morning.  There will be no discount for late arrivals. Please check in with us before about a late arrival.

What’s the sleeping options? Can I bring my tent or campervan instead?

There are 2-bed and 4-bed rooms.
You can choose a room on arrival. 

If you want to sleep in your camper van or pitch a tent instead, you’re welcome to do this. It will be the same price though.

I wanna pay my ticket ( via paypal or bank transfer)

You can pay via Paypal:

Or Bank transfer: 

Neue Spitzmühle UG
Sparkasse Märkisch-Oderland

Please transfer the fee within 5 days after your sign up. After that your spot is no longer reserved.



Can I bring my dog?

Ideally, you can leave your dog somewhere else.  If there is no other option, you can talk to us and we might be able to find a solution.

NOTE (in case your dog will join)
There is a cat on the property, this should not be a problem for your dog. You are responsible for ensuring that this event is a good match for your animal. If there are people with dog allergies, there may be a dog-free area where the dog should not be, this will be clearly mentioned beforehand. Obviously, the Kitchen and Playspace are both off-limits to animals for hygiene sake. Please note that if you bring an animal to this weekend, you are 100% personally responsible for your animal’s wellbeing, food and cleaning up after it. If the animal causes damage or nuisance, you must resolve this issue personally.

Can I invite guests?

Yes, you can invite guests. Guests need to sign up via the sign up form as well. This will be a lovers and friends weekend, so please make sure you can vouch for the guests you wish to bring.

What are my responsibilities when I invite a guest?

You are responsible for both your guests wellbeing and their behaviour. Please ensure that they are a good fit and that you have the capacity to support them in their experience.

What happens if I sign up and can’t come? Do I get my money back?

When you sign up for an FFL event, you’ll be asked to choose a cancellation fee on a sliding scale from €0 to €60.

You will receive a full refund if you cancel up to one week before the event. If you cancel within one week of the event, you’ll be charged the cancellation fee you selected.

If you need to cancel your participation, please inform Cosima.

What happens if I can’t come and I have invited a guest. Can the guest still come?

If you invited a guest, and you can’t join the weekend yourself anymore, message us (Philipp and Cosima) and we see if the guest feels comfortable to come by themselves. Maybe they already know some other people.

What happens if the event is canceled?

When the event gets canceled, we send out an email to everyone and refund the money.

Will there be a Kinky Play Space?

Yes, on Friday after the opening circle, all Saturday and Sunday the “Bootshaus” (seminar space) will be our dedicated playspace. This space has a ton of mattresses, sheets, suspension points for ropes and we can get as loud as we want 🙂 This space is separate from the building where the common / dining area is. The Bootshaus will be and adult-only space.

Will there be a Non-Sexy / Social Space?

The Common Area / Dining Area is designated as a non-sexual space and is intended for eating, activities, chatting, playing music, dancing, lounging, whatever, as long as it is inclusive of people who do not wish to be sexual.

How to get to Spitzmühle?

Neue Spitzmühle
215344 Strausberg
Google Maps

It is about an hour from Berlin by S-bahn. Closest train station = S-Bahn Hegermühle (S5, direction Straußberg). If you want to take a taxi, it makes sense to either (i) go to Hegermühle and pre-order one or (ii) go to Straußberg. The train station is bigger and taxis are usually waiting there. 

Will there be food?

Yes, we will have brunch and one cooked meal a day. Per brunch/meal there will be a volunteer group responsible to prepare it. 

Note: Spitzmühle is a meat-free venue. The cooked food will be plant-based, and mostly bio (there will be butter, cheese, yogurt for breakfast/lunch). If you have specific dietary needs, please let us know here and we’ll try to make the meals as inclusive as possible. In some cases, requirements can be accompanied but it’s possible that you’ll be asked to take the lead in ensuring that you are nourished according to your body’s needs.



Dinner around 19:00/20.00


Breakfast/Brunch buffet from when someone starts to afternoon

Dinner around 19:00


Breakfast/Brunch buffet between 8:00 & 12:00

Leftovers buffet around 15:00/16:00



Will there be snacks during the day and at night?

There might be some snacks, like a bowl of fresh fruit during the day and possibly some snack food at night depending on the kitchen crew or snacks coordinators. If this is a concern for you then please bring some extra snacks that are suitable for your diet or step up as the snacks coordinator for the weekend.

What about Coffee and Tea?

There will be Coffee, hot water and a selection of non-caffeinated Tea available throughout the day. This is included in the ticket price.

What about Alcohol and soft drinks?

There will be some limited beer, wine and soft drinks available at the venue against reasonable-ish prices (probably around 2/2,5 eur for a Softdrink/beer). If you have a need/wish for a certain beverage (Club Mate for example 😉 ), the only way to make sure it’ll be there is if you bring it yourself. Also, if you have a nice bottle of booze that you’d like to share, you’re welcome to bring this but keep in mind that it’s not going to be a super boozy weekend and we are all expected to be responsive to our surroundings.

What about Intoxication and substance use?

Intoxication is a personal choice. Please keep in mind the environment you are in, communicate with others, and be aware this is not a party weekend. Being intoxicated past the point of being able to give or ask for consent creates a less safe environment. 

Will food be Vegan / Gluten-free? Will my allergies be taken into account?

The food will be Vegan & Vegetarian, Spitzmuhle is a meat-free venue.

If you have noted your allergies in the sign-up form, your allergies will be known in the kitchen (Otherwise let us know ASAP, please don’t wait until we’re at the venue.) and the kitchen volunteers will take as much care as they can to include yummy foods that are suitable for you. Keep in mind that your friends in the kitchen are not professionals and may need your help to make sure you are nourished and well. The kitchen volunteers may ask you to participate in the process because you understand alternatives that suit your dietary restrictions much better than they do.

Note: Spitzmühle is a meat-free venue. The cooked food will be plant-based, and mostly bio (there will be butter, cheese, yogurt for breakfast/lunch). If you have specific dietary needs, please let us know here and we’ll try to make the meals as inclusive as possible. In some cases, requirements can be accompanied but it’s possible that you’ll be asked to take the lead in ensuring that you are nourished according to your body’s needs.



When will the sauna and hot tub be available?

The sauna will be on when we turn it on. We’ll figure it out together on the weekend.

With the hot tub, it depends on who takes the initiative to fill and heat up the hot tub.

It takes some time to empty, clean, fill, and heat up the hot tub so it needs volunteers to step up to make this happen.

Is there an outside fireplace?

Yes there is. Once it gets dark, we can light it up and sit around the campfire all night. Also this depends on who steps up to take care of the fire.

I want to offer a workshop/activity. Who do I need to talk to?

Depending how big the group is, we will coordinate activities a bit more. But we will mainly organize is on the spot. You are welcome to talk to Philipp, or Cosima before hand, if you have questions around this. 

When does the event end?

We will share a last leftovers meal Sunday at 15:00 and will then clean up together, you should expect to leave Spitzmuhle between 16:00 and 18:00 on Sunday evening.

Can I leave the venue early?

Yes, if you have arranged to leave early, this is possible. Keep in mind that there are helping hands needed till the end so the more people stay to help clean up, the easier it is for all of us.