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Emotional and Medical First Aid 
Organizers & Facilitators 

with Dr. med. Kai Gutzeit 


Tuesday, 24th of May, 15-21.00

Sunday, 29th of May, 10-16.00

Emotional & Medical First Aid for Facilitators & Organizers with Dr. Kai Gutzeit 

This workshop covers theory and practical tools on how to deal with emergency situations.

May it be emotional crisis like panic attacks, terror, feeling hurt, overwhelmed, or helplessness, as well as acute physical emergencies through accidents, failures or acute medical conditions.

This course is addressed to organizers of workshops, teachers, therapists, medical practitioners, space-holders, riggers etc., but it will be valuable for anyone, as emergencies may occur in any kind of situation.


Topics covered in the workshop

Emotional First Aid:

  • What are emotions?
  • A clear and useful model of emotions and their regulation
  • How to establish emotional accountability and self-empowerment
  • How to respond, support and overcome emotional crisis
  • Self-care
  • Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), its different states and how to regulate them
  • The importance of breath and breathwork, as well as its limitations for regulation of the ANS
  • How to communicate helpfully with people in states of emotional crisis

Medical First Aid:

  • Intro, ethics and attitudes of emergency support
  • Assessing an emergency situation 
  • Basic Life Support
  • Vital functions and how to check them
  • Different states of shock and how to deal with them
  • CPR, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation 

This workshop is aimed to give you a medical and emotional first aid tool kit. It does not replace emergency medical aid of a professional. 

When &Where 

Dates (each day is a separate workshop with the same content)
Tuesday, 24th of May, 15-21.00
Sunday, 29th of May, 10-16.00 

You are welcome to come on both dates. The content will be the same.

Where: Kai’s office in Kreuzberg, Berlin


How to sign up&pay?

Sign up: Please register via this form.

Price: Sliding Scale 100-60€ 
Paid cash at the door

max. 8 participants 



About Dr. med Kai Gutzeit

Kai is a medical doctor running a private practice in Berlin combining (western) internal medicine, Chinese medicine as well as psychotherapy, which he is trained in the approach of Rational Emotive & Cognitive Behavior Therapy (RECBT).

Apart from several years of experience in hospital emergency settings, Kai participated and facilitated medical and psycological first aid and welfare at different festivals (Fusion, Garbicz, Burning Man, Kiezburn etc.)

Kai is currently training to become a meditation teacher in Individual Meditation, a teaching that originated in Tibet in the 9th century a.d.. He is passionate about collaborative attitudes, learning theory and processes, mind-development, communication, playing guitar and the different Yoga styles originating from Sri T. Krishnamacharya.